Top Professional Child-Proofers Weigh in on the Biggest Mistakes Parents Make When Child Proofing their Homes

Top Professional Child-Proofers Weigh in on the Biggest Mistakes Parents Make When Child Proofing their Homes

As a new parent there is so much to do, and even more to learn. Your new bouncing baby doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and between the loss of sleep and constant demands its no wonder child proofing is often either put on the back burner or forgotten...
First Aid Tips for a Safe Summer

First Aid Tips for a Safe Summer

Spring is here.  Time for fun in the sun, long days playing outdoors, and possibly more owies.  Kids are going to get hurt.  It’s part of growing up, and luckily they are very resilient and can bounce back from most injuries.  Its important as a parent to know...
Help for Dogs that like to Chew

Help for Dogs that like to Chew

Its lucky dogs and puppies are so cute, because they can make a mess in a hurry.  Your sweet new puppy has razor sharp teeth and likes to use them to destroy things in your home, and possibly your home itself.  We have heard stories of dogs eating everything from...

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